API Reference


Rocketlane's tasks make it easier to delegate resources and micromanage the entire project by dividing it into action items that can be easily tracked.

You can perform basic functions around a task that include adding assignees, start and end dates, and attachments. Add subtasks, create task dependencies, add file attachments, and have conversations around the task.

The Rocketlane Task API provides developers with a powerful toolkit to seamlessly integrate task management functionality into their applications. With this API, teams can efficiently organize, track, and collaborate on tasks, streamlining project workflows and ensuring optimal productivity.

Default Project Fields

taskIdThe task’s unique, system-generated identifier, which can be used to identify the task globally.
taskNameThe name of the task.
startDateThe date when a task starts its execution. It can be empty. The format for the start date is YYYY-MM-DD.
dueDatehe date when a task completes its execution. It can be empty. If both startDate and dueDate are specified for a given task, it is necessary that the latter should be on or after the given startDate. The format for the due date is YYYY-MM-DD.
startDateActualThe date on which the task status is changed to in-progress. The status can be either the default (in-progress) status or a custom status that is categorized as in-progress. It can be null for tasks that have not yet begun. The format for the actual start date is YYYY-MM-DD.
dueDateActualThe date on which the task status is changed to completed. The status can be either the default status (completed) or a custom status that is categorized as completed. It will be null if the task is yet to be completed. The format for the actual due date is YYYY-MM-DD.
effortThe effort is the estimated time which will be required to execute the task. We have configured this field to be in minutes so as to provide granularity.
atRiskIndicates whether the task has been marked as At Risk. This parameter is used to indicate that immediate action is necessary to unblock the task’s execution.
typeThe type of the task if specified will be available here. There are two options: Milestone or Task. If a task is not explicitly marked as a milestone, it takes the default value as Task. Milestones refer to critical tasks in the project that include an inbuilt CSAT capability that allows customers to offer CSAT evaluations depending on the task’s execution.
createdAtThe time when the task was created. The referenced time will be in epoch millis.
createdByThe team member who created the task.
projectThe project associated with task.
phaseThe phase associated with task.
statusThe task status value and the label.
fieldsFields lists the custom task fields whose values were provided during task creation or updated later. The fieldValue can be a string, an integer, or an array and and it must match the type of the field. Refer these examples to know more about different types of custom fields returned in response.
assigneesThe task assignees are the team members who are responsible for the execution of the project. It can be either members (team members or customers) or placeholders.
followersThe task followers are the team members who keep track of the execution of the project. It can be either members (team members or customers) or placeholders.