API Reference


Project Overview

Rocketlane's projects provide a singular platform to help you plan, organize, and manage your team's efforts.

Projects allow you to schedule and assign tasks, keep track of your timelines, share files, and communicate with team members.You can add team members from your organization and invite team members from your customer's organization to your projects. You can do this both during and after the project's creation.

The Rocketlane Projects API offers a robust and versatile solution for developers to integrate project management functionality into their applications, empowering teams to efficiently organize, track, and collaborate on projects.

Default Project Fields

projectIdThe project’s unique, system-generated identifier, which can be used to identify the project globally.
projectNameThe name of the project.
createdAtThe time when the project was created. The referenced time will be in epoch millis.
startDateOn this date the project's execution officially begins. If sources (templates) are mentioned in the request, the start date is required. For projects without any defined sources, it may be empty. The format for the start date is YYYY-MM-DD.
dueDateThe day on which the project's execution is planned to be completed. The due date is not required and can be left blank. If sources (templates) are included as part of the project creation, the project's due date will be calculated depending on the duration of the specified sources. For projects where both startDate and dueDate are specified, the latter must be on or after the given startDate. The format for the due date is YYYY-MM-DD.
ownerThe project owner is the team member who has access to everything in the project and is in charge of managing it. Any team member can be assigned as the project owner during the project creation or can be modified later. In the absence of a selection, the project owner is set to the team member who created the project by default.
teamMembersThe teamMembers field can be used to specify the project members, customers and customerChampion. Once the project is created, an invite will be emailed to all the teamMembers specified.
companyIdThe unique identifier for the customer company.
companyNameThe customer company name.
statusThe value of the project status which is essential to keep track of the project.
visiblitySet visibility parameters to restrict who can see your project. There are two options: EVERYONE and MEMBERS. Selecting EVERYONE allows all team members from your firm to view the project, while selecting MEMBERS restricts access to only those team members who have been specifically invited.
archivedThe field archived denotes whether the project is archived or not. If the project is archived, there's an option to un-archive the project.
createdByThe team member who created the project.
updatedAtThe time when the project was updated. Any changes that's related to the project are captured and specified here in epoch millis.
partnerCompaniesThe partners field contains list of partner companies.
fieldsFields lists the custom project fields whose values were provided during project creation or updated later.