
Understand Rocketlane's APIs with an example use case

Example API Request

Create a project (POST)

API endpoint: <https://api.rocketlane.com/api/1.0/projects>


The base URL with versioning (add versioning link) for all requests to Rocketlane APIs is: https://api.rocketlane.com/api/1.0

Every API request you make will start with the same base URL. Now, since we want to operate on projects, the full URL in our case becomes:

We'll make a POST request to that URL, which serves as our API endpoint for creating a project. In the header, we'll authorize the request with our API key.

curl --request POST  
     --url <https://api.rocketlane.com/api/1.0/projects>  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'api-key: <api-key>'  
     --header 'content-type: application/json'

For our POST body, we'll send a data object that encapsulates all the fields that we want to set.

    "projectName":"Acme onboarding",
        "companyName":"Acme Inc"
        "emailId":"[email protected]"


After requesting information from the API, you will receive a response in JSON format. In our specific case, the API returns a 201 Created response status code, indicating that the request was successful and led to the creation of a resource.

    "projectName":"Acme onboarding",
        "companyName":"Acme Inc",
            "companyName":"Modert Inc",
        "emailId":"[email protected]",
                "emailId":"[email protected]",
                "emailId":"[email protected]",
            "emailId":"[email protected]",
        "label":"In progress"
        "emailId":"[email protected]",

In the above code snippet, the entire record of the newly-created project is returned.